Австралия [5] |
Австрия [6] |
Арабские Эмираты [3] |
Южная Африка [1] |
Бали [1] |
Бельгия [3] |
Болгария [3] |
Бразилия [3] |
Великобритания [10] |
Венгрия [5] |
Виргинские острова [1] |
Вьетнам [0] |
Германия [25] |
Греция [8] |
Дания [4] |
Доминикана [2] |
Египет [5] |
Европа [3] |
Исландия [2] |
Испания [21] |
Италия [47] |
Израиль [7] |
Индия [2] |
Иран [1] |
Ирландия [5] |
Канада [3] |
Китай [10] |
Корея [1] |
Коста-Рика [1] |
Куба [1] |
Литва [1] |
Малазия [1] |
Мальдивы [1] |
Мальта [3] |
Марокко [2] |
Мексика [4] |
Нидерланды [7] |
Новая Зеландия [2] |
Норвегия [9] |
Перу [1] |
Польша [3] |
Португалия [5] |
Пуэрто-Рико [1] |
Россия [10] |
Сингапур [3] |
США [36] |
Таиланд [3] |
Тунис [3] |
Турция [9] |
Финляндия [1] |
Франция [25] |
Хорватия [2] |
Черногория [0] |
Чехия [5] |
Швеция [5] |
Швейцария [6] |
Шотландия [4] |
Шри-Ланка [1] |
Япония [7] |
Главная » Статьи » Турция |
Стамбул Путеводитель Дорлинг Киндерсли
(Dorling Kindersley,DK Eyewitness Travel Guides)
This guide helps you to get the most from your stay in Istanbul. It provides both expert recommendations and detailed practical advice. Introducing Istanbul locates the city geographically, sets Istanbul in its historical and cultural context and gives an overview of the main attractions. Istanbul Area by Area is the main sightseeing section, giving detailed information on all the major sights plus three recommended walks, with photographs, maps and illustrations throughout. Greater Istanbul looks at sights outside the city centre. The Bosphorus guides you through a trip up the straits, and Excursions from Istanbul explores other places within easy reach of the city. Tips for restaurants, hotels, entertainment and shopping are found in Travellers’ Needs, while the Survival Guide contains useful advice on everything from personal security to public transport.
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