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Пекин Путеводитель Дорлинг Киндерсли Top 10 (Dorling Kindersley,DK Eyewitness Travel Guides) В путеводителе вы найдете: Множество фотографий, иллюстраций и карт. Схемы и планы всех главных достопримечательностей. Объемные виды самых интересных районов Пекина. Огромный выбор отелей, ресторанов, магазинов и развлечений. Четыре специально разработанные пешие экскурсии.Beijing travel guide will lead you straight to the best attractions these two fascinating cites have to offer. Packed with photographs, illustrations and maps of Beijing and Shanghai, the guide includes in-depth coverage of Beijing and best attractions including Beijing's Great Wall and Forbidden City, Shanghai's Bund and the French Concession, and also the water towns of Suzhou and Hangzhou. Explore China's cultural heritage through richly illustrated features on everything from Beijing Opera to Confucianism, Chinese Gardens and the Cultural Revolution. Illustrated food features highlight the differing regional cuisines, and detailed listings of the best hotels in Beijing and Shanghai and restaurants in Beijing and Shanghai have been provided by resident China experts. The guide features 3D aerial views of the most interesting districts in Beijing and Shanghai and specially devised walking tours take you easily to the heart of these bustling, enigmatic and ultimately bewitching cities. Don't miss a thing on your holiday with the Beijing, Shanghai: Eyewitness Travel
Название: Пекин Путеводитель Дорлинг Киндерсли. Beijing Eyewitness Travel Guide
Автор: Peter Neville-Hadley Издательство: Dorling Kindersley Страниц: 130 Формат: PDF Размер: 49 Mb Качество: Отличное Язык: Английский Жанр: путеводители Год издания: 2007 ======= СКАЧАТЬ ======= | |
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